Green Plus unique biology nourishes and stimulates plants in a host of ways. Taken together the effect is a powerful organic feed that promotes strong growth and healthy, resilient crops.

Green plus is 100% natural, water-soluble, liquid organic bio fertilizer containing micro and macro nutrients, formulated from soluble brown Seaweed extract derived from Seaweed. Seaweed contains a sufficient amount of oceanic bio-active matter such as Phycocolloid, Mannitol, Oligose, Polyphenol, Trehalase, Cytokinin, Betaine, Lignin etc which are essential for improving germination, root development, leaf quality, general plant vigor and resistance to pathogens.

Green Plus also benefits in flower set and fruit production. High quality of fruit have been recorded for many of both herbaceous and woody crop species. Green Plus has been shown to improve the leaf content of micronutrients, promote growth, and impart resistance to drought stress in grapes. The key point is that there is an increased economic benefit.

Here is a look at the major benefits of using Green Plus:

Being rich in bio-activators (the ingredients for healthy decomposition) Seaweed is great for compost piles as it assists in speeding up the decay of other organic matter.

Seaweed contains large traces of potassium and natural hormones making it a hearty fertilizer that strengthens roots and a plant’s overall system.

It lowers vulnerabilities against diseases.

Its smell repels many unwanted pests and insects though it unfortunately also makes earthworms temporarily run for the hills, which is noteworthy because worms are important contributors to soil composition. However, they don’t disperse for long and in the end the benefits of applying fresh seaweed out way this temporary situation.

Improves the uptake of nutrients , Improves root structure and development, Boosts seed germination,Reduces fertilizer runoff, Increases yields,Prevents disease and heat stress, Promotes healthier crops.

What makes Green Plus different from other fertilizer?

Green Plus Seaweed extract fertilizers prove beneficial when doctored on the soil, delivering strength through vital nutrients. The Green Plus Seaweed fertilizers are best administered when sprayed. Thus, liquid seaweed fertilizers have their own set of benefits. Here are the advantages that liquid Green Plus Seaweed fertilizers would provide plants with: When the plant, from its neonatal stage, shifts to acquiring or developing buds, it is suggested that Green Plus Seaweed fertilizer be sprayed gently on those buds to promote a healthy growth .

We all love flowers. Having the flowers cut freshly, from the garden sod and placing them in an ornate vase, makes the ambiance of the house extremely enchanting and serene. We also wish these flowers preserve the freshness for days together. However, we do find their shoulders drooping the very next day. Well, your lovely flowers could droop a day or two later if you spray seaweed fertilizer on them a day before you cut them and detach them from the plant.

If seeds are treated with seaweed fertilizers before they are sowed, the seeds will germinate better, have an increased growth rate and their roots will possess strength.

A ‘fighter’ plant could be acquired if the seaweed organic fertilizers are doctored on the plant. The plant will display a higher immunity against diseases and pests such as green-fly, white fly and will have an ameliorated growth pattern.

The seaweed will encourage vigor in the plant growth cycle as it consists more than 70 nutritional deporting minerals and enzymes.

Seaweed consists of a sponge like porous part called the alginates , a type of algae. This part has a dominant role to play in the root system strengthening. The fertilizers when sprayed from the tip of the leaves to the roots of the plant, alginates holds the residue of the fertilizers near the roots giving them a comfortable access to moisture, without making them soggy and wet with mixture.

Green Plus seaweed fertilizers contain elements called hormones. They are Auxins , Cytokinins , Gibberellins and Betaines , required in minor proportions but they do contribute to the overall plant health. The auxins are a major hormonal component that regulates the speed at which the plant develops. Auxins, as hormones have a tendency to increase the growth or delay the growth rate of the plant. It also aids the flower buds to unfold at the right time.

Cytokinins are another group of hormones in the organic seaweed fertilizers that judiciously distributes nutrients and minerals in the soil. The aging process in plants also known as the senescence, in plant taxonomy takes a backseat with the cytokinin content in the fertilizers.

Green Plus seaweed fertilizers has alginates that has a conditioning property when applied to plants. The soil has metal content with which the alginates react and form polymers that restore moisture in the soil when it gets wet.


Special growth hormones called cytokinins and auxins act like 'plant steroids.' They're absorbed directly through the foliage and result in larger vegetables; juicier fruits with longer shelf-lives; and fuller crops across the board.


Seaweed's plant hormones also work below the surface, stimulating the development of more extensive root systems. This helps to increase water access, resistance to root diseases, and offers protection against wind damage


Alginates are a well-known 'clay improver' and also help to hold water in the topsoil. Meanwhile, seaweed encourages microbes within the soil to convert unavailable nutrients into a form that plants can actually use.


Seaweed contains many vital micronutrients that help protect against stress and disease. Alginic acid and mannitol, also present in seaweed, are superb carriers of these elements, taking them straight to where they're needed.


Seaweed increases the amount of chlorophyll in leaves, allowing plants to better harness energy from the sun. With more energy plants enjoy stronger growth and appear greener, healthier and more vibrant.


soil application :2.5 to 5 lt/acre , spraying :2.5 ml/lt







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