Economic Benefits of Humic Acid. The best economic results of Humic Acid applications can be achieved in soils of low organic matter (carbon). Adding humic acid helps build cation exchange capacity (CEC) by forming colloids, the relative amount of these colloids in soil determine CEC. Sandy soils, loamy sands, silt loams are generally low in colloidal material and have low CEC, other soils that can have low CEC are entisoils formed in alluvium or sandy condition, inceptisoils low in organic matter. Also geologically recent volcanic or cinder soils low in organic matter, (these soils may also tightly bind phosphorous) which humic acid application help remedy. Arid soil that have hard layers that act as impediment for plant root growth or soils with accumulation of clay, calcium carbonate, gypsum, soluble salts (salic) or exchangeable sodium (Natric) type soils can all benefit from application of humic acid and the subsequent organic carbon and soil building colloids that are formed. Knowing your soil classification will enable Grow More representatives to make recommendation. Humach is formulated with high grade humic acids that promote plant health and growth. The importance of humic acids lies in their ability to promote hormonal activity in plants. Plant hormones are chemical communicators, or agents, which help regulate a plant’s development and its response to its surrounding environment.

Humach contains humic acid, fulvic acid, macro micro nutrients and proprietary constituents essential for plant growth. In high pH soils, where  phosphate availability is a problem, Humach greatly increase the availability of phosphorous, iron, zinc and manganese. In addition, Humach can complex nitrogen as ammonium and retain it in the root zone preventing nitrification and leaching out of the root zone.

After Leonardites are processed and activated with our new technologies they become soluble and will significantly influence all of the components of the plant-water-soil system.  Once inside the plant, humach activate the metabolic process, leading to an acceleration of growth, the development of a powerful root system, and the formation of special enzymes.   This increases a plant's resistance to stress, and at the same time increases the accumulation of vitamins, sugars, protein, and chlorophyll in the plant.


  1. Makes soil more friable and crumbly.
  2. Improves soil workability.
  3. Increases aeration of soil.
  4. Reduces thatch build-up in turf grasses.
  5. Increases water holding capacity.
  6. Improves thermal coloring of soil.
  7. Also promotes healthy plant growth.
  8. Dual effects.







Euro gold



Green Plus

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Nano Dula






Pink Arrest

Seaweed Gel

Trump Guard
